Guide Dog

My parents came to visit this past weekend and we decided to hike the Pinnacles in Berea. The day was overcast and we hoped not to get rained on. Among the clouds a very bright spot shown itself the moment we pulled in the parking lot and her name is Tillie.


Those of you who often hike in the Indian Fort Mountain Trail System, more than likely are acquainted with Tillie, but we had not met her. Tillie looks like an Australian Shepherd and her tag says this:

A hike was on the list for Tillie today

Needless to say she followed us on our hike to West Pinnacle and eventually lead us to Indian Fort Lookout. We gave her the title of Sherpa.

Our Sherpa leading us on the trail

Tillie seemed to have a rock at each stopping point where she would patiently wait for us to take in the sights, eat lunch or drink some water. She would watch us closely and be on the trail the moment we made a motion to move on.

Mom and Tillie

Toward the end of our hike we realized food may play a part in her decisions to join people. We met a group of college kids having lunch on East Pinnacle. When we made our move to leave, Tillie curled up on a rock near the kids. So much for our Sherpa. It was a lovely addition to our hike and she truly did assist us in finding portions of the path. Thanks so much Tillie!

Tillie and her new friends

Mr. Agility

This summer we signed Pablo up for a 6-week agility class. I thought it would be a fun thing for all of us to do while Pablo got some exercise and socializing in the process.  It was indeed fun! We learned a ton and saw improvement each week with the dogs and owners in the class. Since this was a beginner agility class, the dogs learned to navigate the easier apparatus. And the last class, we held a mock agility competition. Here are a few of the highlights:

Mini agility course set up for the class
Mini agility course set up for the class.
Get ready, set, go!
Get ready, set, go!
First task - jump through the tire. Go Cruise!
Jump through the tire. Go Cruise!
More jumping!
More jumping!
Next task, jump over the bar. Go Kipper!
Next, jump over the bar. Go Kipper! Even short legs can do this.
And then wait on the table for 5 whole seconds!
And then wait on the table for 5 whole seconds!
No time to scratch, you have another bar to jump.
No time to scratch, you have another bar to jump.
The treat comes at the end. Nice try though.
The treat comes at the end. Nice try though.
Into the tunnel.
Into the tunnel.
Out of the tunnel.
Out of the tunnel.
Into the shoot.
Into the shoot.
Out of the shoot.
Out of the shoot.
Finish strong!
Finish strong!
And the winner is...Pablo, with the fastest agility course time.
And the winner is...Pablo, with the fastest agility course time. Yeah!

Maybe next summer we will try the intermediate level!

Ode to Sabrina

Sabrina ~ my favorite cat.

Really the only cat I never chased…EVER. I can’t really say why. Just something about her I guess. Yeah…something about her.


img_13381Like the way she loved treats almost as much as I do. We often ate treats side by side. And no, I never stole a treat from her. I’ve got manners.


img_0943Or the way she could always pull out the “I’m cool” look. I taught her that, you know. She did good, huh?

img_2806Maybe the fact that it was always a great day when she came over to visit.

img_1326Or maybe the way belly rubs were one of her favorites. At least I think they were.

img_0451Or maybe it is really her owner. She is a favorite of mine.

img_1340Or possibly the way if a camera was in the room it was taking a picture of her (or myself of course).

img_0419Yeah, it is hard for me to admit, but I liked her. I’m gonna to miss her.
