Christ as a Child

What is it like being God trapped in a baby’s body?

In our “Top of the Week” meeting at work this week, we had a little devo as we do every week. The conversation lead to a discussion about, the fully divine, Jesus as a Child. How much did he know and how much did he realize about who he is early on in this earthly life? Such as, God trapped as a helpless embro, was it just torture, once being able to do anything at all, and self-limited only to kick on occasion? Or did he grow into his realization as the Son of God and Savior of the universe as he got older? He did obvously know who he was when he was 12 and his family lost him back at the temple ?Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?? (Luke 2:49)

The discussion reminded me of a song: “I Celebrate The Day” by “Relient K” that asks that same question. And I think expresses it better then I just did in the previous paragraph:

And the first time
That You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever?

Elisha and Christ

2 Kings 2:23-6:7 is a series of miracle that preformed God through Elisha. After Elisha calls on God to curse 42 kids for calling him “baldy” 2 Kings goes on to talk about a series of miracles God performs through Elisha that are strikingly Christlike.

In 2 Kings 2:23-25 there is a story about the prophet Elisha who is jeered by some punks. Obviously, it is a bad idea to call a man of God “baldy”, because Elisha calls down a curse, and two bears jump out of the woods and maul 42 of the kids. Awwoh.

A chapter and a half later, a well-to-do woman’s son dies. This family had become good friends of Elisha, the son in fact was born after Elisha prophesied that she would have a son as a thank-you for their hospitality. Elisha went to raise the boy from the dead. Tried placing his staff on the boys face, that didn’t work. Elisha had to lie on the boy, face to face and the boy came back to life. God preformed an impressive miracle that day, one of the greatest miracles up to that point in time. A testament later, when Christ came along in human form many people thought he was the reincarnation of a previous prophet, He wanted to show that he was so much more then Elisha or any other prophet. In Luke 7 Jesus raised a boy, a complete stranger, from the dead after merely touching his coffin. In this same story Elisha non-verbally makes a point that Christ verbalizes hundreds of years later. Elisha had to touch the dead boy with his entire body before he was resorted back to life. A definite no-no according to Old Testament laws. By being willing to do this Elisha showed that there were more important things then the laws on the clean and unclean, a point Jesus talked about at length in Matthew 15:1-20.

Jesus one upping Elisha’s miracles happens on multiple occasions. A little later in the same chapter Elisha gave 20 loaves of bread and fed 100 men with it (I’m going to assume that these weren’t Wonderbread loaves which wouldn’t have too much of a problem serving 5 people each). They even had some left over. Wonderbread or not, Christ fed 50 times more men, plus women and kids, on a quarter of the bread and a couple fish. Then when the disciples picked up the leftovers, the crowd could have been scorned for leaving 12 baskets of food left over that starving kids in Africa could have eaten.

Moving on to 2 Kings 6, we read a story of an axhead floating. One of Elisha’s followers was cutting down a tree, during a gusto infused swing the axhead flew off the ax, into the lake and sank. The guy started to freak-out because he had borrowed the ax. Back then it was a little bit more of an ordeal then running to Wal-Mart and dropping $15 on a brand new ax. Elisha calms him down and asks where it flew. Dude points and Elisha cut off a stick (I guess there was another ax lying around) and threw it at that spot in the water. The iron axhead blops to the surface and floats over to shore. Back in Matthew 14, right after the feeding of the 5,000 story, we read about people walking on water. Jesus is walking to His followers on a lake (there in a boat, he’s not). Peter, one of his most gusto infused followers jumps out of the boat and starts walking on the water toward Jesus. Peter starts to get freaked-out by the wind and starts to sink. Jesus calms him down, reaches out is hand to catch people and they both walk back to the boat. Walking on water is so much more
cooler then already-really-cool bit of floating iron.

There are other similar stories such as people being healed of leprosy that I won’t go into now. But, I believe God intentionally conveys the stories of Elisha and Jesus similarly so that we can see that Elisha was a prophet sent by God and that Jesus prophesied and is God. Jesus didn’t just one-up Elisha in His miracles and actions, He more like five-uped him. Back to our first story, Jesus too was jeered by a crowd, but these were more then just some young punks. Almost an entire city wanted to put Jesus to death. Christ does not curse them, He forgives them, even the ones
nailing him to a post, so that you and I could live with him forever. And that really is the message of the New Testament compared to the Old. While we deserve to get mauled by bears, we’re not, we are given the chance to be forgiven, and I am so thankful for that.


I used to not put much weight in Ecclesiastes, I thought it was just some dude who was just angry at the world. But I did get something outa it in my most recent read. This book is good for more then just inspiring hippie songs.

Open up (or click on) Ecclesiastes and your greeted with some really encouraging sub-headers: “Wisdom Is Meaningless“, “Pleasures Are Meaningless“, Advancement Is Meaningless“, “Riches Are Meaningless, “Wisdom and Folly Are Meaningless“, “Toil is Meaningless” and just to summarize “Everything Is Meaningless“. Wow, that just makes me want to shoot myself now. Well its good I’ve spent so much time working on “stuff”. “Everything Is Meaningless” but not “Everything Is Meaningless”. Read those first two chapters and you might realized that some things are missing from the “meaningless” lists. Never once are relationships with people or God labeled as meaningless.

EveryTHING might be meaningless, it doesn’t matter how much stuff we have, how hard we worked or how cool people though we were. If all this stuff is meaningless, then the writer (probably King Solomon my Bible says) might be using contrast to tell us what really does matter, and I’m pretty sure he is. Too often we work our whole lives so we can get a Benz by the time we’re 40 or a nice house with a mini-movie-theater. When have you heard someone say “I want to have 5 great friends by the time I retire”? Friendships DO matter, they are not meaningless. “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (4:11)

I want to be able to have fun, be honest and challenged by some really close people in my life. Who cares if I live in a mansion or a cardboard box, cause that doesn’t matter. They might be family or friends closer then family, but those are the things I’m going to remember on my death bed, not that a I got a 3.5% raise when I was 35 years old. Most importantly is my relationship to God. Who relocates when we do, is there when our family won’t talk to us and we can look forward to seeing after our death bed.

Remember, everyTHING is meaningless, but everyTHING doesn’t include everything. There are “things” that are so much more then “things” that do matter.


I have been reading the book of Proverbsrecently. Man that is such a cool book. Each verse is pretty much its one little segment of wisdom. It is like the Book of the Bible for those who have ADD. Anyone can pay attention for at least one verse. The real problem with Proverbs is that I pretty much want to highlight the whole thing, you can’t really highlight a whole book. If everything is highlighted then you might as well just have not highlighted any of it cause nothings going to stand out. I have highlighted some of the very very best verses. For example:

“One man gives freely, yet gains even more[.]”
Proverbs 11:24

“He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.”
Proverbs 17:9

There are so many more cool passages in there. Proverbs is like Poor Richards Almanac on steroids. Call me shallow for raving on a book we’ve all read before, but there is something about it. Its pure simplicity, “down home” advice are things we shouldn’t stray from. That’s how I like things, simple and to the point. Too often things are said complexly in the hopes that it will confuse the listener enough to convey an aura of intelligence. Which leads me to Lexmark corporate messaging, but I won’t go there. The true test of a complex message is the ability to convey it simply. And for anyone who thinks God does not have a sense of humor, He threw a couple of verses like this:

“Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”
Proverbs 21:9 & 25:24