We are safely back in the states. What an adventure our trip to India was. We can’t wait to tell stories.
The first thing I noticed when I walked into my house today was that it was so quiet. We spent our time in India in three huge cities where there was a constant sound of horns honking. In India the roads are chaotic. Lines on the road are meer suggestions, you could drive on the wrong side as long as you didn’t think you would be hit. Cars are the minority, sharing the road with Autorickshaws, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, people pushing carts, small heards of donkeys, pedestrians, dogs and of course cows. Drivers use their horn anytime they are in anyone’s blindspot (basically). Luckily, we had drivers and didn’t dare get behind the wheel. The number of close calls on one day of driving in India probably equals the number of times in your entire life you have ever said “I almost got in an accident today”. India driving is so exciting!