Your Name in Hindi

In India we spend 6 days helping students and professionals reduce their accent while speaking English. This was very enjoyable. I had seven great guys in my group. They even helped me learn a few Hindi words (Hindi is the most predominant language in Northern India). They also showed me how to write my name in Hindi characters.

If you don’t happen to have a class full of Indian students to show you how to write your name, Google will do it for you. Because Hindi uses many of the same sounds English does, roman characters can be transliterated into Hindi script. Just type your name in and it will be instantly converted.

One thought on “Your Name in Hindi”

  1. I’ve been using the Rosetta Stone Hindi program meslyf, and it’s been very helpful. I’ve tried to teach meslyf in the past from books, but they all want you to learn the script system by the second or third chapter, which was discouraging. The Rosetta Stone program gets you a little further along before it starts to introduce the script, so you feel like you’ve accomplished something.I would definitely ask the girl if she could help you. Another nice language supplement is movies.Have fun, and good luck.

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