Draisine Tour in Germany

So our European friends and family tour, quite some time ago, included Germany to visit our friend, Kris. She set up a fabulous day for us riding hands free bikes. What am I talking about you might ask. Well, check it out:

img_2379Hands free indeed!

img_2371Walking our bike across road crossings and someone had to jump out and lift the barrier.

img_2382So lots of people were just pedaling down the tracks. If you happened to stop and wanted to take the pedal bike off the tracks – lift with your legs – those bikes are not light by any means!

img_2374We biked through several little towns.  Leaving Erdesbach according to the above sign.

img_2375It really was a nice way to see the country. And we almost got through the day without getting rained on, but the last several kilometers were in the rain so we used that as an opportunity for some 1 km time trials! Thanks for the great day Kris!

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